We passed the first day of school with high marks! Everyone was excited, even though Alessandro doesn't look like it.
Dante was a bit bored he said, because all the other kids were crying the whole time, but he was more excited to be a part of what his older brothers were doing. What will Matt and I do with only 1 child at home??????
Here are some shots of the paella being cooked. I think that there was more than 20 pans of paella cooking over open fires. It is amazing to me that they can cook in quantities like this, and have it come out delicious! Everyone dressed up in the traditional dress, even the little ones participate. Lots of dancing and music, makes all that paella go down really smooth!!
The best part of all this is it takes place 2 blocks from our house, so we can roll back home after we stuff our faces.
Here are a couple of our neighbors getting there meals ready for the fiesta this week. they are actually right outside their front door in the piazza. She hs bought 6 rabbits from a local and is in the process of skinning anf gutting them. I asked her why go through all the trouble when for 7 euros they are already cleaned for you at the butchers?? She responded with wide eyes, "7 euros, I got these for only 5 each!" I love to eat rabbit, but I will gladly pay an extra 2 euros for a cleaned and cut piece of meat!!!