Sunday, 29 March 2009


It is already the end of March, Spring is officially here, and summer promises to be here soon. How does time pass so quickly?
A few days ago I stopped to chat with one of my favorite neighbors. A little old widow who wears only black, keeping with the old customs, and calls me hija, which is so endearing. She comented on how big Ottavio had gotten and that life is but a fleeting moment. She told me to take a good look at her, that she was still here on earth, but her life had passed, and too quickly at that. For me it was one of those "lightbulb" moments, you know that kind, where your struck so hard with the reality of the situation that you cannot find words to express your complete and total understanding?.

I was floored, could barely walk home with out crying. I don't want my life to pass that fast, I want to savor every second, and most importantly, I want to remember all those seconds that I savored. Why can't we store all those memories in a nice safe place and recall them with clarity when we want. I guess that is why I take so many photos, and yet not enough.

SO with the passing of March, Dante turned 4, Lorenzo turned 10, Max is turning 6 this week and I am weepy.

Treasure your moments be they mundane or extraordinary, for they are gone before you have time to consider them.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Sunday at the Park

Sundays at the park, didn't we all spend Sundays at the park with our families groing up?. I know I spent quite a few. Lazy Sundays just seem to go well with parks and picnics.....
Spain is in full bloom with spring on the way, well at least southern Spain, and people coming out of the woodwork, shaking of those winter cob webs.
This Sunday was exceptionally nice, we chanced passing our standard parks insearch for something different. We hit the jackpot. Right on the beach, has to be one of the nicest parks I have been to since Madrid, and very large. The entire park had a Japanese garden theme, with water falls and ponds everywhere...There was even an excellent weight training circut for all to use, of course NOT on sunday! But nevertheless it was there. The kids ran and ran and ran until their white church shirts looked grey. Alicante we will be back....