Today is a SAD post. A sad post for O baby. He is with POX.
We have, after 13 years of raising kids finally caught the Chicken Pox. I have actually tried many times to infect my children. Running over to friends houses when their kids were infected, having them play and sometimes even drink from the same glass, Yet always without success. How is it then that my last child, the one who hardly leaves the house, not to mention my side, gets them? I can't answer that, but I can say with surety that the rest will fall soon. Sorry O for all your "owies" .
Pobrecito. Well, I'm going on 28 this year and still no chicken pox. When little I've lived with cousins that all had their chicken pox even carried them while they had it. I just hope I don't get it now. There's actually and epidemic of chicken pox going around Cancun right now, thank goodness we moved from there. Well I hope O gets over the pox soon and scarfree.
Besos para todos....Tiffany
I feel bad for baby O, I know that it is hard not to scratch the pox.
I think you are correct, the other kids may follow suit. Holly's Jimmer just got over them.
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