Massimo turned 8. Really it sort of snuck up on me. not in the way when you can't believe that they are so old, but in the way that you can't believe that he is ONLY that old. Massimo is a big boy physically speaking. People always think he is older than Alessandro, who is 2 years his senior. He is strong and very street smart. He can hang with Lorenzo (12) and his buddies and is responsible enough to walk himself to and from futbol (soccer) training which is at least a 15 minute walk across town. He can handle the toughest chore like a champ and is the first one to volunteer help whenever needed. SO when he turned 8, I was surprised; "Wait hasn't he already turned 8 sometime ago??" No matter he is officially 8 which meant BAPTISM! Yea!! It is an especially long awaited day for our kids, we do not allow them to partake of the sacrament in church on Sunday until they are "official" members of the congregation. That means after baptism, this is because we want to create a clear understanding of the sacredness of the sacrament, of the honor of which it is to be able to partake of it and of the importance of it all.
When asked about how he wanted his baptism to be, he asked if it could be performed in the local river, laughing, Matt did not object. In fact I think he was secretly pleased and excited to perform such an ordinance amidst the beauty of our Lord's creations. So invites went out and all of Massimo's friends came to support him, and of course to take a nice COLD swim after. FYI in the middle of august the water in the gorge i so cold it takes your breath away. congratulations Massimo