Spring in Spain is beautiful, especially where we are. Everything is in bloom all the fruit trees, poppies, iris', and wildflowers. You only need to step outside and your senses are hit with spring. Your sense of smell is overwhelmed by the flowers, your eyes want to take it all in and soak up the deep greens of the wild grass', you are inspired and energized. My morning walks to school with the kids have an extra bounce to them and although my chores never seem to end my whistling seems to glide me through my days.
We went to visit a friend whom we have not seen all winter and were drawn into their greenhouses of "CLAVELES", carnations. GORGEOUS! What a job. spending all day amidst flowers, I can imagine the sweetness that would bring to my day. any way thought I would share. FYI. the millions of carnations are grown by seeds in bags of shredded coconut shell imported from India. And are extremely popular here in Spain. The Spanish use carnations for everything from decorating their hair during fiestas to all the school children bringing a bunch to worship the "Virgin" at the local church. Bringing them to visit their loved ones graves or even having them in vases at home, as you can see my bunch is beautiful.
Happy spring everyone!
1 comment:
Sabina. Your words about spring were as beautiful as the flowers. You are enjoying spring earlyer than we are. We had rain and snow again yesterday. We have only had 1 day so far that the sun has been out all day. I am off to the Salt Lake Temple this morning to see the last of Maurine's children married. Jamee is her name. Love ya lots Tex
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